A bid to government for up to £20m will be submitted by the county council for improvements to roads and travel in south east Lincolnshire. The details will be discussed by the council’s executive tomorrow (2 June 2021).

Every highways authority in England can submit one project from their area to the Levelling Up Fund by 18 June. The council’s submission will focus on reducing congestion in Boston and along the A16 corridor- a key route for the agri-food industry.

Cllr Martin Hill, leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said:

“As 30% of the UK food transport starts or ends in the south of Lincolnshire, these transport routes are key for freight travel across the whole of Greater Lincolnshire, but also important for local people travelling between Boston and Spalding.

“We welcome the government’s commitment to ensure every part of the country gets the funding it needs. Ongoing investment in improved transport infrastructure is a priority for Greater Lincolnshire, connecting our trading markets and communities.”

The bid incorporates the elements below which form part of a bigger and longer term strategy:

– A16/Marsh Lane roundabout improvements and crossings

– A16/B1180 roundabout improvements

– A16/A151 roundabout improvements including a new cycling and walking bridge

– Improvements to the A16 including a stretch of dual carriageway

– Active travel scheme for Wyberton Low Road south of Boston

Cllr Richard Davies, portfolio holder for highways and transport and the county council, said:

“Improving these routes opens up further investment opportunities, but also strongly benefits residents in this area. With improved walking and cycling facilities and reduced traffic congestion, the proposed bid complements other local transport and renewal projects underway or planned.

“This includes applications to the Levelling Up Fund from other councils across Greater Lincolnshire, helping our towns thrive.

“As a county council, we may only be able to bid for one project from this particular fund, but our developing countywide transport plan will offer ambitious and forward-thinking travel solutions like this for all of our communities.”

Commenting on the bid, MP for Boston and Skegness Matt Warman said: “This proposal will unlock the start of a much needed wider programme of road improvements in the Boston area. For too long we have known that unpredictable congestion on Boston’s main arteries costs our businesses time and money and causes huge frustration to local road users. I am pleased to see the County Council bid focusing on delivering improvements and look forward to continuing to work with them to develop a much more comprehensive proposal to access further Government funding.”

The county council will also be applying to the government’s Community Renewal Fund for funding of up to £9m for the county. This is a one-off fund to support pilots and innovative approaches to local economic growth.

The council has received 31 bids to a value of £18.7m, primarily focusing on the priority areas of East Lindsey, Boston and South Holland, with benefits across the rest of Lincolnshire. Bids are currently being assessed to decide which ones to take forward to government.