St Mary’s Street is getting a new Puffin crossing to help those on foot get about.  

Cllr Richard Davies, Executive member for Highways, said: “It is great news that we can make such a positive change in this part of Stamford for everyone in the area.  

“The current signal equipment has reached the end of its operational life and spare parts are becoming obsolete and the new signal equipment will be extra low voltage which will reduce the carbon footprint.”  


The works will begin on Monday June 19 with a scheduled end date of Friday July 7, subject to suitable weather. The work will happen from Monday to Friday, with weekend working if required. The hours of the overnight works will be from 19.00 to 06.00.  


There are three diversion routes – two footpath routes and one traffic. The traffic diversion route will be in operation during the whole scheme (nights only). The footpath diversion will take place when needed during the works. 


Traffic diversion:  

·         St Johns Street onto All Saints Place, turn right at Scotgate junction follow road onto North Street / East Street, over the crossroads at Brazenose Lane / St Pauls Street / East Street, turn right on St Leonards Street, then left onto Wharf Road. Follow road to end then turn left on St Mary’s Hill.  

Footpath Closure:  

·         St John’s Lane will be closed when road surfacing works are taking place and civil installation work take place on the side where the entrance exit for St John’s on St Mary’s Street.  

·         Old Barn Passage will be closed when the road surfacing element of works is taking place.  

Both routes will send pedestrians to Castle Dyke and then right onto Castle Street.  


The pedestrian crossing on St Mary’s Street, near St John’s Lane, Stamford.  

Cllr Davies added: “We are having to carry out the works at night due to the narrow road and footpaths which do not allow enough space to safely build the crossing during the day when traffic and pedestrian flows are at their highest.   

“We will do all we can to minimise noise after 11pm by undertaking the most-noisy work earlier in the night.  

“I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding whilst we instal this significant upgrade in the area.”  

For up-to-date information about this and other roadworks, please visit